Use Cases

Phacet AI No-Code Extension
Advanced AI for your workflows

Transform your automations with AI specialized in data extraction, matching and validation.

Phacet completes Zapier & Make

Add the power of AI to your No Code workflows for greater efficiency and fewer errors

What Phacet can do

Handles complex data (PDF, CSV, advanced matching).
Leverage advanced AI to understand and enrich data.
Manages human validation to ensure accuracy and compliance.
Customizable & learning automation (LLM, AI models).
Data cleansing, structuring and enrichment before integration.

What Zapier/Make doesn't do

Limited to simple, structured fields.
No contextual understanding of data.
No built-in supervision or manual correction.
AI capability limited to predefined automations.
Does not handle inconsistencies or variable formats.

Plug & Play in your workflows

Integrate Phacet in just a few clicks with all the No Code tools on the market: Zapier, Make, Power Automate and many others.

Compatible with Zapier, Make and Power Automate without code.

Phacet integrates with all the tools on the market, so that you can benefit from the skills of AI, whatever solution you adopt.

Simple triggering and quick configuration.

Integrating solutions in just a few clicks, AI becomes accessible to business teams with no technical skills.

Un agent intégré à vos flux existants

Votre Zapier/Power Automate/Make sait déjà orchestrer des tâches simples. Phacet gère le casse-tête : extraire et nettoyer les PDF, matcher des datasets multiples, ou appliquer vos règles métier via l’IA.Vous branchez Phacet dans votre workflow, et il vous renvoie des données propres et fiables.

Phacet est votre brique IA spécialisée pour transformer et réconcilier toutes vos données complexes (PDF, CSV, docs). Branchez-la simplement à Zapier, Make ou Power Automate pour booster vos workflows existants, sans coder.

An advanced AI, without losing control

Phacet lets you use all the data sources you want, while maintaining control over the work carried out by the artificial intelligence.

Intelligent extraction

raw data (PDF, emails, ERP...).

Matching & validation

with human supervision.

Continuous learning

for ever more efficient workflows.

With Phacet, give your no-code workflows the power of AI

No-code automation enables


save time managing complex data


errors thanks to a combination of human control and AI.

Total flexibility

with AI that adapts to your business workflows

Case study

Smartbox transforms catalog and financial Operations with Phacet.

From managing operations manually with Excel files to automated processes with Phacet AI.

Smartbox’s journey with Phacet AI
AI-powered catalog management:
6x faster operations.
Intelligent payment matching:
1 week of work saved per month.
Error reduction on data processing:
From 7% to just 2%.
Watch the full case study
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