Phacet AI No-Code Extension
Advanced AI for your workflows
Transform your automations with AI specialized in data extraction, matching and validation.

Phacet completes Zapier & Make
Add the power of AI to your No Code workflows for greater efficiency and fewer errors
What Phacet can do
What Zapier/Make doesn't do
Plug & Play in your workflows
Integrate Phacet in just a few clicks with all the No Code tools on the market: Zapier, Make, Power Automate and many others.

Phacet integrates with all the tools on the market, so that you can benefit from the skills of AI, whatever solution you adopt.

Integrating solutions in just a few clicks, AI becomes accessible to business teams with no technical skills.
An advanced AI, without losing control
Phacet lets you use all the data sources you want, while maintaining control over the work carried out by the artificial intelligence.

raw data (PDF, emails, ERP...).

with human supervision.

for ever more efficient workflows.
With Phacet, give your no-code workflows the power of AI
No-code automation enables
save time managing complex data
errors thanks to a combination of human control and AI.
with AI that adapts to your business workflows
Smartbox transforms catalog and financial Operations with Phacet.
From managing operations manually with Excel files to automated processes with Phacet AI.
6x faster operations.
1 week of work saved per month.
From 7% to just 2%.
Discover where AI can help you optimize processes and drive results. We’ll guide you in identifying the best use cases and building a plan to succeed.
Achieve more without adding complexity. Our AI agents integrate seamlessly with your systems to enhance productivity and outcomes.